Last week the weather gals and guys couldn't wrap their brains around the weekend weather (can they ever?). In one breath they said it would be a cold & dry weekend and in the very next, they would say that there was a chance that we'd be getting a little bit of snow. I didn't think much of it to tell you the truth. They've been threatening snow for a few weeks now and had yet to deliver. Until this weekend.
Now, normally I would share some purty photos with you of our house, piles of white fluffy snow on the sidewalks and street, and cars buried under what seemed like mounds and mounds of marshmellows. Except I can't seem to find the charger for my camera and have unfortunately worked that baby to the bone. So I decided to take a page from SAJ's book and draw a picture of how I felt that day.
Yes folks, I looked that bad at the end of the day. Actually, both Saturday and Sunday. My poor husband. I'm glad he loves me 'cause I can assure you I was a sight for sore by the end of both nights. In the end, we wound up getting a whopping 2 feet of snow. I now have muscles sore that I didn't know I had and aches in my knees and joints that make me shiver as I imagine what it will be like when I get older (now I know why Mom hates going up and down the steps!).
I can't complain though. It was a pretty good workout considering I shoveled my parents yard, their driveway and steps, my grandparent's steps, my parent's property across the street and it's driveway AND our house (which I thank GOD we aren't living on the street right now) - all multiple times mind you. Those lucky ducks with their snow blowers :P . And the cookies and hot chocolate at the end of every shoveling session were totally worth it.
But Lord, although I am thankful that you blessed me with a body that can deal adequately with hard labor, please don't bless me with anymore "fluffy" snow. At least not until the aches and pains are all gone.