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Ooooh, la la! I got to watch it. The music was very Frenchy like Ratatouie and the animation was awesome! Very haunting the way she became the doll. I kind of thought that's where it was going and I was screaming (in my head) for her to get the heck out of there! But, kids never know any better! I think the other dolls were trying to warn her too!


I loved it! When the door closed behind her I knew she was in trouble! The best part was when the new doll appeared.


Yes, I definitely agree that the other dolls were probably trying to warn her as well ... or get help! Poor things, but you shouldn't touch what doesn't belong to you ...


I know! Couldn't you just shout out - run, Alma, run!! And the poor boy doll, he tried so hard ...

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