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Summer will be here before you know it. Although I don't particularly like the snow I find it refreshing compared to summer, no need to watch out for those pesky mosquitos that seem to find me no matter where I go. Yes I'll keep the snow, for now. :)


That's true. When summer is here I will find it too hot and will be saying I wish it were colder :) Can't be satisfied, I know. And yes, I agree about those stinkin' mosquitos ... they really bug me (ha).


You should have taken some pictures after you cleared the snow, to showcase all your hard work! You guys must have had a blast clearing that stuff away. Sara and I managed to make better time clearing the driveway and sidewalk with this storm (and we even had more snow than last time!) It was grueling work but well worth it and now we're prepared for the next storm which will be here tomorrow.


So true, Frank. Ah well, we will be getting more snow tonight and tomorrow so there will be more time for before and after photos.

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