Do you remember my post from last year when I talked about my experience being a studio audience member on the Martha Stewart show? If you know me then you know that I am a big fan of Martha's and was over the moon when we scored the tickets and saw her show. Today I found out that someone else I adore was a guest on her show and had I been a studio member that day ... well, heaven help me I probably would cried like a little girl during the entire taping. Who would that be you ask? Why, Dame Julie Andrews of course!
My dear Julie was on Martha's show to promote her film The Tooth Fairy as well as her new book. While she was there Martha asked Julie what her favorite things were (no, she didn't say I was one :) and she shared some photos of her husband and one of her as a young child.
Was she the cutest thing or what? Martha also crafted with dear Julie and created a Fairyland Terrarium. Though it was her first time making this craft she did a fabulous job.
One of my favorite lines from the show:
Martha: Have you ever used a hot glue gun?
Julie: Never! (smiling coyly at the crowd)
Martha: I’m showing Julie Andrews how to use a hot glue gun!
Julie: Good Lord.
Oh Julie, you are too much!
She also showed some photos of her children's book and (hold your seats folks) gave out a free copy to each member of the audience! Good Lord, I would have squealed like a school girl If I was there and Martha announced that on her show!
And the hugs, Julie! You slay me you little minx! She is an affectionate woman, God bless her! Considering I don't have luck with composure when I meet someone famous I doubt I'd get as warm of a greeting as Martha if I ever met her did but a girl can dream right? Dear sweet Julie, may you live for many more years and continue to grace us with your presence. Now click away on this link my friends and watch my two BFF's in action.
All photos from The Martha Stewart Show
I absolutely LOVE Julie Andrews!!! She is my favorite actress. So graceful and talented too! Oh *sigh* if only I could meet her.
Posted by: Awilda | 03/09/2010 at 04:22 PM
I can just picture you screaming and looking under your chair for the book. It would have been the first time in Martha's TV series that a guest was escorted from the set and you my dear would have had that honor. Lovely post, now close your eyes and sing "High on a hill was a lonely goatherd....."
Posted by: Sara | 03/09/2010 at 09:51 PM
And it would totally be worth it :)
Posted by: ThePhantomMoon | 03/11/2010 at 07:05 PM
Would it be lovely?
Posted by: ThePhantomMoon | 03/11/2010 at 07:06 PM