It seems like so many bloggers these days are keeping art journals on moleskins, Illustrator or on paper. Since I'm not an Illustrator guru by any means I thought I'd pop on over to Blick Arts and buy myself a pretty little moleskin. I bought it the day before Valentine's and promised to draw in my new journal at least once a day. Yeah, that never happened. I got sick that very day and didn't touch it again until my daughter's birthday, then not again until a few weeks later. How do these fabulous artists do it?
While I really admire SAJ (she really is inspiring!) and so many other artists who do this daily I don't think it's in my future right now. That being said, I really want to make a commitment to at least *try* and doodle in this baby at least once a day or every other day. I even bought my Mom her very own moleskin so we can try it out together. It's good therapy in the long run anyway, no?