While working in my garden a few days ago, I discovered that we weren't the new kids on the block after all. It appears that a new set of neighbors had moved in without our realizing it. And of all places they moved into our yard, particularly in one of our trees. Who moved in you ask? A family of squeaky hungry little Robins.
The minute you step close to their nest (which you can practically touch given that it's right near our porch), these little buggers start squeaking and squawking, sticking their little open bird beaks out of the nest just waiting for their momma to come by with yummy food.
After a while their acrobatics scared me a little since I wasn't sure if the little squeakers would fall out of their nest, so I backed away hoping they'd take the hint and tuck themselves back in. It took a while but they finally did give up and headed back in.
When I went to check on them an hour or so later Momma bird had returned and was sitting in her nest with them. I, being the city girl I am, decided to get a closer peek and walked back to my original vantage point when Momma bird saw me, turned her head and gave me the stink eye. And not just any stink eye ... it was the kind that said, "back up, girlfriend, or I will peck your eyes out!". So I obliged and walked away.
I'm hoping that the little buggers grow up ok and I can take plenty of photos of them at the same time. I have a feeling that we'll have plenty more "nature" moments like this in our future, and hopefully they aren't always filled with aggressive mothers ...