I've been craving way too much chocolate lately and rather then eat another handful of M&M's that have chilled for 20 minutes minimum in the freezer (don't judge), I thought I'd check out the yummy treats that Etsy has to offer. I don't know what I did more, squeal with delight at the possibilities or hold myself back from licking the scream. Here, take a look for yourself:
Candy Skeleton Key Necklaces from Etsy seller andiespecialtysweets:
Is this not the coolest thing ever? And you can even choose your own flavor! Though I'm not sure if I'd ever eat this beauty. I've had a thing for skeleton keys lately and have been looking everywhere for them. Then again I love chocolate so ...
Belgian Dark Chocolate Lollipops by Etsy seller haveitconfections:
Okay, they pretty much had me at Belgian Dark Chocolate but making them drool worthy lollipops is a total plus. The Mr. would love these for any occasion really. But that would mean sharing some of the 6 lollipops you could purchase ... well, loosing 1 out of 6 for him isn't bad.
Chocolate Filled Toadstools and Chocolate Candy Mushrooms again by Etsy seller andiespecialtysweets:
Wouldn't these be perfect for a woodsy themed party or even a Mario party? I know BB and the Mr. would go hog wild if they had these since they are big Mario aficionados and I have a special place in my heart for mushrooms too. And having them made out of chocolate? What more would you ask for?
Chocolate Skeleton Cameos by Etsy seller TheFrostedPetticoat:
If I was having a Halloween party these spooky ladies would definitely be on the invite! I love the fact that the colored chocolate isn't completely filled making them slightly transparent.
Chocolate Truffle Assortment Pack by Etsy seller bbakes420:
With flavors like mint, champagne and lavender (among others), who could resist? And while we are a nut free house, it's good to know there are other options that our little family can indulge in. Since you can change it up anyway you like it would be the perfect holiday gift.
And last but certainly not least, Cat Macarons by Etsy seller asukasakumo:
Okay, okay, while these are not edible aren't they the cutest thing ever? I know if these ever made it into our house they would be confiscated immediately by BB who loves all things cat and itty bitty so these would definitely be on her radar.
Please excuse me while I head to the freezer for my no ready chilled M&M's ... mmmmm ....